Dragonboat in the rain.

My laptop 小鹿has not seen the light of the internet since... ever. Since I moved out from Jia Ling's, which was about 3 weeks back! Antivirus is updated, MSN is logged in, I am propped up at the lounge corner of my room with my new cushions. Ah contented. Except for the nagging feeling that I have not taken my shower nor done the dishes, which I'm ignoring. Don't care. Lalala.

My body's aching from dragonboating yesterday, yes, I've finally gone back! I'm hurting at the right places, I hope - my shoulders and back are hurting, though my waist does not seem to be hurting too much, which probably is a sign that I am not twisting it enough. Arms are unaffected, which is good, because you're not supposed to strain them. To my collection of night cycling bruises I have added a few more, on my right knee, from repeated knocking on the side of the boat. Battle scars galore. *surveys battered body with satisfaction*

It's just so gratifying to keep rowing, concentrating on the exertions of different parts of your body: the leg, the waist, the shoulders... it's almost like meditation. To be panting, wanting to stop, yet continuing because you hear your teammates roaring, hence you push your limits again and again, until the leader calls for a halt. That is the best moment really, with endorphins rushing through your entire body, you're permeating sweat from every pore and a silly grin finds its way to your flushed face.

Plus it rained cats and dogs yesterday about one and a half hours into practice. At one point we rowed so fast that we left the clouds behind, but they caught up with us in a couple of moments with a vengeance. Splendid rain that washed all the salty water off my face, and soaked us to the bone, yet my rower mate's shoulder was still exceedingly warm upon contact with my shoulder, because of the intense workout that we were having. The rain continued long after we finished dragonboating, and I had a great time walking under real tropical rain, something that I had not had an excuse to do in a long while.

Can't wait for next Saturday really. I need to find more forms of exercise that I enjoy. Currently I have not resumed gym; and I have not begun swimming yet either. Thing is I don't enjoy either one very much, they are both quite solitary activities and I get bored really quickly. It's not like dragonboating where you are part of a team so you're able to draw upon other people's energy, yet focus on your own performance fully.

Anyway - a new week awaits. Damn need to really make progress on my work, where it has been stagnant for a while now. Shall leave thinking about work to tomorrow morning. *picks up creaky body from cushions and heads off to shower*