A number of coachbuilding companies created Cadillac station wagons back in the 1960s and 1970s. Many were based on Fleetwoods or DeVilles and wound up looking like hearses.

My first thought upon seeing this car was, "Holy crap! That's an incredibly ugly car!" Then I started to imagine it without the vinyl roof, painted a darker green and minus the whitewalls. All of a sudden it went from "incredibly ugly" to just plain ugly... Unique, strangely cool, but ugly.

I wouldn't spend $16K for this car, but I hope someone nearby does. I'd love to check it out in person.

While doing a bit of research on this car - or at least trying to - I stumbled on a Flickr site belonging to someone calling himself "That Hartford Guy". He has a number of pictures of this car in his album along with what looks like an ad for it when new. You can find it here.
A big thanks for JaCG reader, Marc W, for sending me the link to this car!