Wooh. "Residents keeping, receiving or transmitting pornographic / offensive data files while residing in the room/apartment are deemed to have violated the regulations governing the code of ethics and conduct for residents." I wonder what constitutes as "offensive data". I wonder if they monitor the connection.
Woohoo. Threats of fines and eviction lurk at every corner of the document. It's starting to draw the rebellion out of me already. Yeah. So I got hundreds of gigs of porn in my machine. So I have violated the regulations governing the code of ethics and conduct for residents. What are you going to do? Fine or evict me? Oops. Should've seen that coming.
Dark dark thoughts. Anyway, I am thinking of going to the Rainforest World Music Festival in July but I'm not really sure yet, has anyone been and is it advisable to go? For me the cost is a huge concern, of course, and also I don't know if I should get a 3-day pass or a one-day one, since I don't really fancy commuting to and fro from Kuching to Santubong 3 times! It is freaking expensive as well, but I can't help but think that I might not be so free the coming years, might as well go this time to see what the hoo-ha is about. Also, Val is dropping by Malaysia on his way back to Germany, so I will be showing him around Malaysia for 2 weeks.
Plan 1 with no RWMF:
KL --> Taman Negara --> Kota Bharu --> Perhentian Island --> Penang --> Taiping/Ipoh/Cameron Highlands --> KL --> Malacca --> Seremban --> Putrajaya --> KL.
Plan 2 with RWMF:
KL --> Kota Bharu --> Perhentian Island --> Penang --> Kuching and surroundings --> KL. This plan has yet to be firmed up.
It'll be great. It's sorta my way to go out with a big bang before Singapore gets me, 'coz in less than a week after Val leaves, I will have to make my way to the Lion City and settle down there.
In conjunction with planning this trip, there are another two on my plate now, a "Visit Malaysia's Opposition States 2008" with YKent and GH, and one going to Bangkok then southwards to KL with Asa. I think I should be able to render myself completely penniless before leaving Malaysia. Hurray for one broke student life ahead! Money from the monthly stipend from NTU will be channeled into three major pools, i.e. "Necessary Expenses to Stay Alive" Fund, "I Love You Mum and Dad" Fund and "Europe - The Promised Land" Fund. Who says personal finance is difficult?
As you might have suspected, my Internet connection has returned, albeit in a rather unstable fashion. I received more than 10 calls within 3 days, all very concerned technical personnel from TMNet enquiring about my connection. Although I was flattered by all the attention, by the third time I cancelled the same report, I couldn't help but wonder if TMNet could be more streamlined and less redundant. Anyway I'm not complaining about being able to access the Internet from home again.
And my aunt from NZ has come back, with my pendant box! Apparently it was under my bed in her house all the time. Here's a picture of my Happy People Pendant against my travel journal.
Ah. The ups and downs of a gainfully unemployed life. One day you're loafing around, apathetic and all, and second day you're still loafing around but with a silly grin on your face and a spring in your step. Such an unpredictable life I lead.