Staying home today because I only fell asleep this morning at 6am - I don't know if it's jet lag or just insomnia - but I woke up at 12 noon, quite fully rested and ready to face the world... at home.

I am working though. Just discovered a deadline for a PhD symposium to be held in Hong Kong in November, due for submission on Monday, and typical to my "why the hell not" attitude I am going to write a 35-page (double-spaced) paper about my research within 3 days and submit it. A challenge's a challenge after all and there seems to be no reason why I shouldn't go for it. (I seem to have a knack for leading a super-stressful life.)

Other plans are in the pipeline, I spent the entire night thinking about them when I was sleepless, and these months are going to be really busy in trying to make those things work parallel with each other, and I'll have to multitask, which is something I'm not really good at, but I will try. At the same time I really want to lead a healthy and mindful lifestyle with a solid link with the real world instead of being online 13 hours a day, when I am in Singapore. Contrast that with the 0 hours when I was in Ireland and Estonia, when I was having the time of my life, and I realize that something must be done, or I will be dreaming my life away in the past or the future, when I should be focusing on the now.

So yes, it looks like I am back to my usual indestructible self, bouncing off walls and kicking ass. (Yes - I bounce off walls. That's what I do.) But first, I have a paper to write, if you'll excuse me.