I've been roaming around the cyberspace with the trusty Google Reader this morning, and looks like much has been happening whilst I was sleeping -
Boss Stewie has got his "leetle dotcom" up, it's like an agent between bloggers and advertisers. I'm curious about how the ads look like, but probably I'll have to wait till next week when advertisers take them up. Good local entrepreneurial effort though.
Rojakz and gang are holding the "Together Gather" Bloggers Party on 9th March at Federal Hotel. I totally forgot about it after it was delayed from last December. I notice the segmentation of the blogosphere from the last blog meet (that I went) with this one. I haven't decided whether to spend RM35 to eat all I can or to maintain my Friday night ritual of moulding at home.
Politikus wrote a good article on "irresponsible blogging" which in turn has me disturbed as well - I have the same concern as she does on whether the tide is bringing us towards the right direction. My stand on this - I support Bloggers United because I believe blogger solidarity is important to represent scattered blogger voices. But, as questioned by the Tikus - who are representing us, and what are they fighting for? I support Rocky and Jeff from the depths of my heart because I believe in them, and I have known them for a brief while to trust the instinct that they are Malaysians working for a better country. But if they are proven to have defamed the plaintiffs, they have to pay. NST is still a big bloody bully though.
Oh well. Back to work. La di da~
The lively discussions at Politikus's have brought out Bloggers United's forerunners, Sheih and Susan to clarify that Bloggers United is not affiliated with WalkWithUs. Previously Politikus was commenting on WWU's irresponsible blogging.
See Susan's take here.