I'm typing this on my Notepad right now as my Internet connection REFUSES to be up. I have some important mails to reply and some research to do but DAMNIT I can't connect to my wireless modem! And then when I resign to the fact that I'll never be connected, it connects for a brief while, just enough time for me to read the mails in my inbox but not to reply them!
GOSH I'm mad right now. GERAM!!!
*runs five laps around the house, bumps into teak furniture, rubs knee and runs five laps again*
I've killed my modem. Resurrection will happen later when it finally realizes who's the boss.
KF is going to Texas again. And he gets to go to Shanghai the week before he goes to America. Lucky bitch. The travel bug is biting again and I find myself fantasizing about all the places I could be right now instead of dealing with a merajuk-ing modem.
ONCE I finish the thesis, I'll go. At least to the beach. Bali, anyone? Or Penang. Good food!!! And I miss Mel Sim so much... OK I'm definitely going to plan a trip to Penang once I finish my thesis. This has somewhat become my slogan. "Once I finish my thesis".
Sis has started the modem and apparently she can access the Internet through her LAN cable. I can feel the hot frustration creeping up my veins (it's at my neck now) towards my brain. This can't be healthy.
We went bookshopping yesterday and I got The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger (what a mouthful!) and The Undercover Economist by Tim Harford. What about the research, you ask. In my desperation to find a decent definition for "media", I bought the Oxford Dictionary of Sociology. Now, is everybody happy?
I'm still snappy because I miss my connection and travelling. Once I finish my thesis!!!!
OK I'm going to try one last time to connect, if only to post this on Blogger. To hell with Belkin!!! Lifetime warranty kononnya!!!