I seem to be unusually swamped for a jobless person.
No kidding. So many things to do before I go for my 6-month rayau through New Zealand! Personal things to settle such as a book project (within a month! Is that possible?? >.<), applying for further studies, medical and dental checkups, plan for my family's trip to Bandung in August dot dot dot dot
And then there's the planning for New Zealand itself! Met up with Mel Tan who's my partner-in-crime (conned her into giving up her job and going for the best trip of her life with yours truly! - can be very persuasive when I want to) and synchronized our basic objectives and principles, looking for air tickets and miscellaneous other stuff such as travel insurance, transport, job hunting, accommodation, packing list, money planners, maps, things to do, events to see dot dot dot dot
Snippet of conversation of 1 yr 11 month-old multilingual cousin Yu Jin (contrary to earlier spelling versions, apparently this is the correct way to spell his name) with his Indonesian maid:
Maid: "Adik sayang siapa?"
YJ: "Sayang Mummy.... Sayang Daddy..."
Maid: "Daddy tu siapa?"
YJ: "Daddy tu Tuan lah!"
Never underestimate a child.
Anyways no specific point to this post =) Just feeling rather guilty that I'm not updating as often! Dot!