This week I've been up to the beautiful city of Venice and would like to talk to you about what Venice can offer you at this time of year. This weekend reached 24°c in Venice so if you're lucky it can still be a temperate time of year.
Venice - the QTHome of the gondola, the Rialto bridge and St Marks Square, we all know the basic tourist sights in Venice. At once familiar to all of us from films, television commercials and even computer games the Venitian cityscape is a magnificent thing of beauty. Venice was once a bustling city state independent from Italy and in many ways, as well as being geographically adrift from the mainland, still likes to think of herself as seperate entity. Today we are going to look not at the Venice of memory, but Venice as the Venetians enjoy. These attractions and recommendations come from th people of Venice.
- EasyJet fly daily from Gatwick, Belfast and East Midlands.
- RyanAir fly daily to Treviso from Dublin, Stansted and Liverpool.
- Click Here to view all incoming flights into Treviso Airport.
- Click Here to view all incoming flights into Venice Marco Polo.
What hotel deals can you offer me?
Venice is packed with beautiful hotels positioned on the Grand Canal that are somewhat pricey. There are cheaper options on the Island but for a really cheap deal you'll need to be on the mainland in Mestre or the cheaper Island of Venice Lido. These prices are an example of 7 December, 2 Nights, 1 Double Room.
- 3* ARISTON - Mestre on the mainland - £63.50
- 4* DUODO PALACE - St Marks Square - £134.00
- 5* GRAN DEI DOGI- Jewish Ghetto - £282.50
Click to see all Venice Hotels
What else can I see and do in Venice?

Doge Palace is a hugely impressive building standing on the Grand Canal next to the Bridge of Sighs. Perhaps it is here, more than any other Venetian building where you get a real sense of Venice's changing fortunes. Visit the Chancellors Office, the man responsible for writing all the secret documents of the Republic and learn how the Venetian guaranteed his loyalty! Check out the gruesome Torture Chamber where enemies of the state would be tortured before the state inquisitors. Learn about the single form of torture that the Venetians used, and why no-one was able to resist the pain! "I Piombi" Prisons, were wooden cells beneath the lead roofs of the Palace that would be intolerably hot in the summer and freezing cold in the winter months. It was in these cells that the famous lover Casanova was incarcerated and here you learn about the trumped up charges that Casanova's enemies used against him to imprison the world's most famous lover.
Peggy Guggenheim Collection is Venice's most eclectic and forward looking museum with prominent American modernists and Italian futurists artists on prominent display. Famous artists including Picasso, Dali, Brancusi and Jackson Pollack all have works on display. The collection is housed in the Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, an unfinished 18th century palazzo which was never built past the ground floor level. In one room, the museum also exhibits a few paintings by her daughter Pageen Vail. In the courtyards between the main buildings are sculpture gardens containing an extensive collection of works. Its most famous (or notorious) exhibit is the 1948 bronze "The Angel of the City" by Marino Marini, positioned at the front of the palazzo, facing the Grand Canal.
Where can I eat in Venice?
Venice is an expensive city but it also has some of the best cuisine on the planet. Below we offer some suggestions that cater to all budgets.
Here are some recommendations (£ - Inexpensive - under £10 for a main course - ££ - Reasonable £10-£15 for a main course - £££ - Pricey £15-£24 for a main course- ££££ - Expensive £25-£35 for a main course - £££££ - Daylight Robbery - £35+ for a main course)
- GRAND CANAL at HOTEL MONACO - smart dress, venetian cuisine- ££££
- LA FENICE - opera house location, venetian/international- £££
- HARRY'S BAR - exclusive 14 tables but very good food, central - ££££
- AL PARADISO PERDUTO - Pasta, Fish and meat specials, good budget option - ££
- DA RENATO - basic interior but great traditional food- £
Next Wednesday we will review the city of Dublin and take a look behind the Guiness and Temple Bar. Ciao for now HotelClickers!