Palmerston North's museum was not nice. I only went to the free part of it, and I wouldn't want to pay more to see the rest of it, so I am back at the city library where I am going online for 30mins for $1.
So far the travel team has been absolutely wonderful. The money's good, the van's fantastic, the company's great - just that the working part of it kinda sucks, but I guess this world was never meant to be perfect. (I would have much smaller cheeks if it were.)
The cultural blend in the team is really good. Yesterday in an Irish pub the guys drew me a map of Europe and where to visit, as Mum has given me her blessings that if I am able to amass enough of funds, I can go to Europe before I am confined for three years in the tiny little island-country south of Malaysia in August next year. I doubt that I would be able to get enough of money before that, but perhaps I could take some time off my PhD and go travelling.
The travel bug has definitely bitten me.
We are going to watch a play tonight, and if Palmerston North would have one chance of redeeming itself, this would be it. (Besides the fact that it has Burgerfuel, the best burger chain in NZ) So far the hostel has sucked, the turf has sucked, even the museum sucked! Why, why why would someone put displays in a case, label them all with numbers, and put the descriptions on the wall 3 feet away? Do you seriously think that I care about Maori musical instruments enough to look at the description and the number, go to the display, forget the number, curse, and go back to the description again? Yeah right.
Intellectual conversations amongst travel mates include whether bees feel emotions, whether duelling should be legalized, and whether Val would take a beer if Marten had one in his pocket right then. I have resorted to labelling the conversations with numbers because we keep recycling the same topics over again. Maybe I should produce a catalogue out of that.
Marten says that he will design a Rainbow Frank Experience (see link above to understand what I'm saying) T-shirt for us at the end of the trip. Possibly we may create our own boardgame and a soundtrack. A whole string of merchandise really.
2 minutes left till I am booted out of this computer.