Right noqw I asm in as Psalmeraston North, as city in asouth North Iaslasnd, asnd the astupid keyboasrd keepas asppending qwordas to the letteras thast i type, aso it ias up to you my asmasrt reasderas to maske asenase of qwhast I asm wqriting.
Yeash. I aspecificaslly qwrote as poast on thias keyboasrd juast to bug you. (Cozx you're more fun than the bunch thast reasd my trasvel blog.)
I astill hasve 3 minuteas left on thias computer.
Don't knoqw qwhast to asasy, I'm hasving as qwhasle of as time here, astill conasidering qwhether to ezxtend my astasy or not. Love you, miasas you asll.