Byebye Laptop

I'm leaving my laptop and a bunch of other stuff with Yao Hua... I'll have to come back to Davis to get them but this seems to be the best solution to all the crap that I have, bar actually throwing them away.

Here's the top view of my new tent with me in it, in Yao Hua's living room. This is probably also the only picture that you'll get in a while. I've been so lax in taking pictures lately, I have to be in the mood of taking them, and I don't really know when I get in the mood. So for instance I don't have any pictures of the Crazy Hat and Wig Party. For all you know I could've made that up to appear cool. I mean, me, in a crazy hat? *projects image of serious looking self at work station watching Youtube*

OKlah need to go and continue packing, leaving Davis in 3 hours. Been great hanging out with Yao Hua and his girlfriend Kumitaa though, with uninhibited Manglish with all the lahs and ahs and lohs and mahs. Didn't realize how much I missed it!