Random stuff within 24 hours.

  1. I won second prize for Best Hat Contest in a Crazy Wig and Hat party. It was the hat that my mum gave to me to bring to the Burning Man. It transforms into a Hat+Mask at the whim of its owner. They called it the Swine Flu Hat.
  2. I gave $2 to a person who lost his BART ticket to get home.
  3. I didn't have change to take the bus ($2) and a random stranger paid for me. Karma is very real.
  4. I bought a bottle of wine labeled "Cheap Red Wine" for $6.50.
  5. I had the best shower ever. It was the best shower ever.
  6. I had a huge omelette with spinach, cheese, mushroom, hollandaise sauce and tomatoes in it. Yum.
  7. I crossed the Golden Gate Bridge and it was wonderful.
  8. A guy walked by me and said "You're very beautiful. I saw you walking up there just now, and I told myself that I need to let you know that you're very beautiful." Then he walked away.
  9. I witnessed a shouting match between two white guys, in Japanese.
  10. I was given a personal tour of an antique shop by the owner that I met in a flea market.
I am sure there are more but I can't keep my eyes open so here goes.