Yes, it is I, the misplacer of debit cards!

Aha, didn't expect to see this post did you? I am such a bag of surprises.

My bus does not leave till 7pm, and in the meanwhile I have rode on a cable car, checked out the Musee Mechanique, laughed at people who got scared by the Bush Man, got waylaid by a gay marriage rights canvasser (which was where I couldn't find my debit visa card and luckily it was in my bag) and walked through Chinatown. All in all, not a bad day. Except when I was tracking down the percussion of a lion dance in Chinatown, and it turned out to be a soundtrack. Lion dance soundtracks? Who does that to people??

So I'm just waiting around the hostel until it is time to leave. I am a teeny bit apprehensive, like I always am before the unknown, but in no time at all I'm sure I'll adapt and grow to like the people that I'll be travelling with at close proximity. A busload of people with stinky feet is the only thing I can think of now though. I say that because I'm pretty sure my feet stink after the long walk in my hiking shoes just now. San Francisco is pretty warm today.

"Just remember, not all who wander are lost," says a quaint little pendant that I passed by today. I find that quite energizing. Next time when someone tells me to quit my PhD, instead of saying "well fuck you" under my breath I shall say this in a sagely manner instead. Makes me sound philosophical and if you look between the lines it doesn't say anything about me not being lost at all, so I wouldn't be lying.

I'm sure at this point you would've discovered that I'm just rambling here. Please keep me company until my time is up, or when I muster enough of momentum to actually go pee instead of just pondering about it. (Should I go pee? Maybe I can hold it out longer. What about now? It's just been three seconds you ninny. I'll tell you when we're there.)

Oh also I have this instant tomyam rice thing that I bought some days ago, being absolutely sure that I would need it at some point - and I haven't eaten it till now. It has become somewhat of a liability to my luggage space. I need to eat it before I leave the hostel. Luggage space is at an absolute premium here. Right now I have three bags - a backpack that holds all my worldly belongings, a sling bag that holds my essentials (like my passport and the gold coin Peter gave me this morning before I left) and a bag that holds my tent and my sleeping bag.

I feel like a snail.

Do snails pee? Anyway I have to, so I shall close this post. Goodbye for real for at least 10 days. Be good and eat your vegetables!