Great Saturday

I'm having two really lovely couchsurfers this weekend, Tom and Chloe from New Zealand, both vegans, and we're having so much fun =D They're really pampering me, buying me lunch this afternoon (Thai/Peranakan vegan food *drools*) and preparing breakfast tomorrow for me, and they're so curious about all the fruits that we have, and we're having vegan conversations again, something that I only have with Val, I can't believe he's coming in about a month's time, yay!!

Val I'm so gonna bring you to the places that we've discovered in Singapore that serves great vegan stuff =D

We had a great session dragonboating today, it was really difficult, long distance stuff, but it feels amazing. Because you're pushing yourself to your absolute limit, and finding out that you could do much more than that. The best moment is when the coach yells "Easy" (lingo for stop), you stop and your arms go limp and you feel an enormous wave of relief and euphoria rushing through your veins. It's the best feeling ever. The harder it was, the happier you feel.

And the funny thing is, I actually enjoy post-dragonboat aching. I really can't explain why. I lie in the bed and turn and my muscles hurt and I go, ahh, there it is. The familiar feeling of muscles marinated in lactic acid. That's how we do it yo.

Anyway, after the dragonboating session I stayed back for their barbecue, I was expecting to eat corn and maybe baked potatoes, but they had vegan sausages! YEAH! First the beautiful lunch, and then vegan sausages - I was so happy. The company was also great, I've paddled for so long and never really talked to most of the people that I paddled with, and tonight I felt like I'm finally part of the community, albeit a community whose members voluntarily stick coins up their butts (well more like using the butt cheeks), walk 2 metres and release them coins into a pail (and the crowd goes wild!!!). Oh yes they had the stupidest games ever. Now I can actually say that I've had a 50 cent coin up my butt. But that is of course no comparison to Ian, another researcher in the team, who managed to put 10 dollars' worth of change up his butt, and do the strut and release repertoire. It was awesome.

So today was great. I know that I'll have to work really hard tomorrow to make up for lost time, but I don't really care now with all the post endorphin and alcoholic high. Hope your Saturday was good too.