[Insert CNY-related title]

[Insert something festive]

[Insert something red]

[Insert something about finding a leaking jar of vegetarian sambal from the last trip home that I had forgotten in my backpack and that had stained my readings orange][It was tragic]

[Insert CNY cookies that I have not been able to get my paws away from]

[Insert an obligatory "nomnomnom" because I'm a hip and cool Malaysian blogger whose age wants to defy gravity]

[Insert thoughts about why that is not going to happen][Because age is an abstract definitive concept that we can measure fairly accurately using quantitative methods - eat that, Blumer - that gravity has no influence over - eat that, Newton][Except for certain body parts][Oh no]

[Insert extremely hot tropical CNY weather][I am melting]

[Insert the Fibonacci sequence again][0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13...][This is the only sequence that I know]

[Insert floppy disks hahahaha have any of you watched "Hackers" which has Angelina Jolie starring in it?][I love pre-Y2K technology-related apocalypses][Cutting edge 3 1/2in floppy disks yo][People used to use magnetic tapes ok]

[Insert CNY songs][Mandarins][Angpao*][I am rich!][Oh yeah][Divide by 5=amount in Euro][Anti-climax][It's about the love, not the money][Oh yeah]

[Happy Chinese New Year to all =]]


*[Insert footnote: red packets filled with money given to children during Chinese New Year. Also useful to humiliate single people because only married people get to give out angpaos. Muahahaha! Probably invented by spinsters to con money in the old days. Suckers. End footnote.]