Helter skelter.

"If you want to get more out of life, you must lose your inclinations for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and incredible beauty." ~ Jon Krakauer.

My brain is quite dry at the moment, though I feel like blogging. There is nothing much to say, it was a lazy Sunday that involved me changing the lightbulbs of my room and snapping a ukulele string. Through googling for musical instrument shops in Singapore, I found out that Singapore has a ukulele shop as of January 2009, which means that there is no real reason why I should have bought my uke in London. (It does justify the London patch that I am going to sew onto the case though.) However it will be very handy for getting new strings, and in the future, books, when I have finished the three that I have bought.

The reason why I got the musical instruments (the ukulele and Irish tin whistle) is that I have this urge to pick up piano playing again. But a keyboard would be too big an investment, and I don't know if I would actually see it through. The compromising solution is therefore to buy some cheap instruments and learn them, establishing some kind of music routine in my life, like 30-60 minutes a day, just for practising. And I figure that, once I get used to this idea of playing music every day, I can then make a keyboard-buying commitment. But first - to replace the ukulele string.

Work starts tomorrow. I don't have the keys to my office room, because if you recall, I dropped them into the rain hole (unintentionally, damnit) right before I left for Europe. While we're on the subject I actually lost my wallet on my last day in Europe, on an airport shuttlebus in Berlin. Luckily I was able to retrieve it from the airport Lost and Found, with the kind help of Imre, my host. Later when he was sending me off at the airport, I almost missed the flight because we mistook the flight number for the flight time - I was supposed to fly at 1800, and the flight number was KL1830. Therefore we thought that it was a 6:30pm flight - and I got a horrid shock when I realized that it was actually 6pm when my flight was supposed to leave! Luckily I didn't get there too late and made the 6pm flight anyway. Why do things like that keep happening to me??

Anyway, I should go to bed. To people anticipating my emails, I'm on them. Soon. Ciao!