Welcome new blogger Daphne Ling!
She's doing something pretty meaningful, helping a little girl and her family out. The little girl, Aisya suffers from Fraser Syndrome - "her eyelids are completely fused together, her fingers are webbed, her hearing is impaired and her larynx partially shut" -quote from an article featuring her from The Star. Her father who's the sole breadwinner in the family has just recently lost his job, so the family's basically struggling to make ends meet.
I have a vague memory of reading that article on paper actually. Poor thing.
How you can help - you can help spread the message (if you're a broke and jobless student like yours truly) or you can donate some money (check out this article for more information) or if you're in the position, you can even hire Aisya's dad! I don't know, be creative!
p/s. Go watch Mukhsin. It is WORTH YOUR MONEY. More on this later.