Leisurely Day in Singapore

So, at 9:43am, I find myself in KF's empty apartment, in Singapore, the land of kiasu's and excellent public transport. Found the keys in the [top secret hidingplace] and let myself in.

The trip last night wasn't too bad. Before I boarded the train, I did manage to finish Sections 2 and 3, but found the need for a Section 4, so the lit review is still... unfinished. Heck. I sent it to Prof W. anyway.

I read The Time Traveller's Wife in the train and some smatterings of The Undercover Economist. I've just got to the part (in TTTW) where [someone] is destined to die, so I'm just going to hold up a bit more to see if the book would rewrite itself.


It's 10:44am, and tears are rolling down my cheeks. As they do, I feel a little amused that I'm reporting this on my blog. KF's keyboard feels slightly sticky in contact with my moist fingers.

I'm fine. It's just something I read in the book. Not gonna spoil it for you so I'm not telling what.


11:27am. I am feeling dehydrated and hungry. I have finally finished the book and upon completing it I just threw my head back and wailed. For a good three minutes. I have since scrubbed my face clean and am trying not to think about the story lest I overflow again.

I am going to work on Project Room Makeover, through which I hope to transform my topsy turvy bedroom into something presentable. I am doing this so that I can say "In your face!" to sexist trespassers who can't stop marvelling at the state of my room because I am a girl. Does this mean that I can breed cockroaches for all they care, if I am a guy? (I don't. My room is untidy but clean.)

I am going to revamp my room, then go for a sex change operation. Sorry, KF. I gotta do what I gotta do.


11:57am. I have finished drawing the floor map of my room, but I just found that the colour pencils that I brought (bought from some charity fund-raisers) are unsharpened wooden stumps with no Yellow but four different shades of Red.

I hope KF is coming back soon for I am famished.


Back from lunch and it's 1:47pm. Am feeling awfully drowsy, will take a nap. I didn't sleep very well in the train last night.


2:18pm and I'm up. Sleep did not come easily and certainly did not stay for long. I'm now reading about how some manufacturers actually spend more money manufacturing the "cheaper" version out of two similar ranges. Say there's Chip Fast and Chip Faster. Chip Faster was designed first, then extra effort was made to disable some features to make Chip Fast. It costs less to the manufacturer than to design an entirely new chip, and compels the customers to pay more for Chip Faster.

Am I making any sense to you?

Another example is why (according to The Undercover Economist) some airport lounges are crappy, because then people would pay for business class to be in the executive lounge. That's depriving the poor to give a pretense of luxury to the rich so that they would pay more.

Economics is interesting.


Going to take a bath before the working people come back. 3:55pm now.


6:27pm. KF is not home yet. I feel like a little baby bird waiting for its mum to bring back the food.


6:35pm. Called KF and he's on his way back. This post is getting boring and I'll better end it before it plunges further.