I've been reading from The Sun and Malaysiakini with interest. From what I see the after effects of the recent elections, of those that matter to me anyway, are these:
1. It is cracking the political apathy amongst youth. Malaysian politics is now sensational and juicy and suddenly every Tom, Dick, Harry and Sally becomes interested, although they are from Third Rock from The Sun. And we see that we are capable of change. That makes us very interested.
2. We are now free from the shackles of May 13, 1969. If anyone uses it to threaten the rakyat (people) again, we can now proudly point to the General Election of 2008 and say that the people are fed up of racial politics, although some politicians are still grappling with this new-fangled concept. Malays voting for DAP, Chinese voting for PAS, Indians voting for PKR? What is the world coming to??
3. Towards a two-party system! Maybe not that soon, but noone thought that the opposition could win big this time either, so I am keeping optimistic =D
In the meanwhile it is interesting to observe the power struggle, politicians vs. sultans, Ku Li vs. Pak Lah, Anwar vs. Pak Lah. Najib is being really quiet.
I am trying to get used to home life still, in between coughing my lungs out and enjoying the thunderstorms. Food is of course a highlight, as with meeting up with friends. Otherwise I am still trying to find my house keys and my pendant box, both of which have disappeared into thin air. It aggravates me to no end, as I definitely remember bringing them back to KL in my luggage, so they must be somewhere in the house. =(
I went to watch "Ah Long Pte Ltd", a Singapore-made movie by Jack Neo, who is responsible for reasonably good movies like "I not stupid" etc. Ah Long Pte Ltd is a complete waste of a good RM10 and two hours. It was insufferable. I wanted to throw heavy kangaroo punches at the sissy narrator every time he spoke, and every time he appeared onscreen. I cringed at some of the tasteless jokes. The actors actually weren't that bad, Fann Wong was pretty hot as well, but the script - was - horrible. Some people I know did enjoy the movie though. You can learn that it's total crap through the easy way (by not watching it) or the hard way (watching it).
Almost 2am already. Sleep la.