"Please note attendance is compulsory unless you have previously replied you have classes or other important matters today. Attendance will be taken for the session."
What's with taking attendance in this institution?? Do I look like a frigging ten year old to you? I understand the word compulsory. If it means so much to you, I'll come. But I resent being treated like a primary school kid!
I also have another class, where the lecturer actually printed out a list of names, with our mugshots on it, and took attendance. Granted, I'd skip all of her classes if I could. She blows my mind with sheer boredom, of her sing song voice and her long-windedness. And my argument is - if I want to skip all of your classes because I don't listen to them anyway, I should be allowed to. The only thing that matters is I pass the course right? And serves me right if I fail! (Which won't be because of playing truant, since if you didn't get it the first time, I don't listen to your classes. I daydream.) Does it even matter if I am sticking around, or do you just want me to be around to feed your ego?
Yes. So I have to go to some seminar-cum-tea reception later this afternoon. I'm even dressed for it - smart casual, whatever that means. I'll tell you what it doesn't mean. Squeaking heels. My new pair of heels which I bought, out of necessity because I ruined every other pair, squeaks. Is there some shoe-oiling procedure that no one told me about?
Hate heels, hate going for useless functions and classes, just leave me alone with my research thankyouverymuch.