I've made good progress in my work, although each paragraph takes me one man hour to write, I'm nonetheless proud that I have made quite a few paragraphs. I've been absolutely high these few days on my research, reading and writing feverishly, in my office and in the lounge room back at the hostel. Yuen, my incredibly sweet officemate is hooking me up with a prof from another faculty as a potential co-supervisor. Dr. C. asked me to get one because what I'm doing is not his area of specialty. I've also found a new thesis on the subject! Happy happy happy =D
Kristy (my other incredibly sweet officemate) and My Wronged Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
She shook her head and didn't seem to be convinced.
"Look - take a sip and try."
She obliged, albeit reluctantly.
"See? There's no alcohol in it!" I said, triumphantly.
"So... it's just soda?"
"No! It's not just soda, it's the best ginger beer in the whole wide world!"
She persisted on calling it "just soda" for the rest of the day. How dare she.
For those who are following my Half-Marathon of Death - I found this site the other day. *click*
Apparently I was doing Route 2 (click on the tabs above) twice each jogging session before this week. Route 2 is 2.5km once, so twice would be 5km. I normally jog 2-3 times a week.
Funny thing though is that I've only been able to do Route 2 once, ever since I found this site. It is as good as a curse. Sunday I did 2.5kms, Monday I did 2.5kms. I think it has something to do with my mental endurance. Maybe it's too much concentration during the day on my research? Or maybe the idea of the race is intimidating me? Or maybe I ate too much during the weekend. I really have no idea.
Now that I know my mileage, any training tips from you guys?
The race is on December 7th, so I have about 3 months to train. I am doing my running at night now, so I should probably run during the day later on to be accustomed to the heat. My goal is simple - I just want to finish the race, without killing myself.
Quick nip back KL this Friday =D
OK - here comes the awkward part - I guess I am going to be extremely busy with work, blog posts will be few and far between, unless I decide otherwise two days later.