No exam slips? I'll be identified in the finals by my matric number? What kind of lame system is NTU using???
I suppose now is a wee bit too late to regret skipping classes, dozing in class and all the other hanky panky that I've been doing this sem so far. Now giving mooncakes to lecturers and writing acknowledgments sucking up to lecturers in the term papers don't seem as far-fetched, because, hey, it's actually beneficial! Your good lecturer can actually trace your test to your matric number to you, remember the taste of the lotus paste double egg yolk moon cake, and award an 'A' to you! What have I done (or not done) to my good grades??
A little bird told me that her supervisor actively gives bad grades to people she doesn't like - and I was just wondering how - now I KNOW. Fucking system encourages favouritism and discrimination! Why don't I just give cold hard cash to the lecturers who grade me so that I can get the B that I need so badly?
Apparently NUS does not have exam ID numbers to protect the students' anonymity as well.
OMFG. I am profoundly scandalized.