Lazy Saturday Afternoon.

So this is what we've dwindled to. One post per week. Well to my defense I did write some pretty good stuff, but as always I lost steam halfway through and the rest are, as they say, drafts.

I'm not going anywhere today because the dragonboat peeps are having a race on this week instead of practice. I'll be going to watch the race tomorrow though. So I've just been shopping for groceries to make some sauce to go with couscous tonight, and right now I'm just blogging absently while watching Discovery Travel & Living, waiting for myself to get hungry enough to go cook.

Things have been going fine where I'm at, my US visa went through and I'll be picking it up on Tuesday. On the day of my interview I took the opportunity to shop at Orchard because the US Embassy is near there. I need some formal attire for all the activities that are up in July and August, presenting papers and such. The non-conformist in me decided to get a pair of Levi's. Which I obviously can't wear to present papers and such. To the pragmatist in me: they look nice on me and jeans last virtually forever so shut up.

I'm looking at some shoes which Yuen helped pick out but they cost a freaking bomb T_T What can I say, we've got expensive taste. On one hand I think these expenses are justified because I really have trouble getting stuff that I like. Six painstaking hours spent in Orchard and all I got was a top and a pair of jeans.

I really don't have anything much to say. I guess I should just go cook dinner.