busy busy patooie

Time trickles from the tips of my fingers onto the keyboard, into the computer, and splashes onto my monitor - onto grant applications, onto papers, onto procrastinating blog posts and chats.

Too many things on my plate right now. I have two deadlines on June 15. Both are almost finished, just need some icing on the cake, at least I don't have re-bake the cakes. One is a grant application, the other is a paper submission to the forum I'm going to in July.

Boston trip too many admin things and the whole non-academic staff of our school has gone to Bintan for a team-building activity. No one is around. Joy.

Money... why do you like rich people...

Then there's the housing situation, I've been swinging like a pendulum whether to move. Or not. To move. Or not. Housemates are nice. Landlord's a bastard. House electricity fuses whenever it likes. At least it is at the highest floor. Fridge doesn't work. At least bathroom is reasonably clean.

Oh sidenote. I finally know the rules of cricket now and have been spending some time watching it with my (male) housemates. The Twenty20 World Cup is on now. I'm supporting the Kiwis. But I haven't seen them play yet.

Landlord is supposed to come talk with us but has not. I had sharpened my knives preparing for a bloody clash, on Wednesday, but he pulled a no-show on us. I am seriously inclined towards moving but I need to iron out some kinks. And muster up the courage to tell my cricket-watching buddies that I am fed up and adios.

Asa where are youuuuuuu. Our India trip howwwwwww.

To others, I promise I'll reply your emails! But since I don't have Internet access at home, and I'm uber busy in the office (working or pretending to be working), they might have to wait till next week. Extra love.

Ah half-hearted update. Don't care lah. Have to get back to work.