Kristy will rue the day...

... she told me Tiger Airways had a promotion: $1 INSANE All In Fare!!!

I went berserk. I swear I was unconscious for a bit and when I came to I had:
Nov12-13 Return air tickets to/from Penang
Feb25-March2 Return air tickets to/from KL
March13-March20 Return air tickets to/from Kuching (going with Jia Ling)

And it cost me.... *drumrollllllll*

*still drumming*

wait for it, wait for it....

SGD36 (RM87.41) for ALL SIX FLIGHTS!!! To put this slightly into perspective, my taxi ride from Woodlands back home yesterday cost me SGD18. So if I were to take a taxi back, from my home, to Woodlands, just for the heck of it, I would actually have spent the equal amount on the six flights which total distance is approximately 3081kms. I honestly wouldn't mind forfeiting any of the tickets.

I am a little guilty about all the carbon emissions that I'm going to cause, but still, they're so cheap T_T and I was barely conscious, I swear!

In other flight-related news, this morning I also booked a ticket from Singapore to Boston, flying United Airlines, under a student price of USD790 which according to some is a pretty decent price. This will be reimbursed but I'm celebrating in the name of frugality and auntie-ness!

I've just realized - amidst all the excitement, I've forgotten to buy me and Asa's return tickets from India XD but I'm maxxed out on Tiger Airways. I will keep away from it for today at least. It's bloody evil I tell you.

Damn have to return to work, been doing nothing but book tickets this morning T_T

Just found RM24 in my jeans pocket. Have no idea how it got there. Today is such a good day. =D