Exceedingly tired, I am.

Settled down at Jia Ling's finally, this past week has been such a blur of activities that if you ask me what I had been doing, I can't give you a straightforward answer. Seriously. I'm actually pondering this question while my fingers hover over my keyboard.


Let's see. After a couple of days of packing, reached KL on Wednesday morning. Met Asa. Dropped our India visa application. Had lunch. Did my hair. Met up with LL. Stayed overnight at her place with Asa, had deep conversation with alcohol and crackers. For a moment I was disoriented and wondered where I was. Then I saw 8tv on the TV. I was in KL with two of my best friends whom I had not seen for at least a year. Slept around 4am.

Thursday morning. After breakfast we went to Mid Valley to do some functional shopping. Functional shopping is good because I tend to buy stuff efficiently. Bought items for desert camping, shoes for conference (which hurt my feet, damnit), and some other stuff. Really can't remember what I acquired. After that Mum picked me and Asa up. Went to get an ISIC card. Picked up India visa. Bade byebye to Asa. Went to find XiaoCi. Had dinner with XiaoCi and her family.

Friday morning. Woke up. Met my aunt back from NZ. Lunch. Organic shop. Got clip-on sunglasses. Went to Bukit Tinggi to get camping mat. Had fun setting up a tent in our Bkt Tinggi apartment. Went home. Helped sister to cook mushroom soup, shepherd's pie and failed chocolate fondue. Helped my dad mend my torn clothes. Oh yeah my dad has also sewed a Malaysian flag on my Deuter bag. *heart* By the time I was free it was 1am.

Saturday morning. Supposed to go see the doc to get some pills in preparation for India, but failed to wake up. When I woke up my parents had already gone out, and they went to the clinic for me T_T. Went to the KTM to pick Asa up. Reached Plaza Mont Kiara to meet YJ. Nonstop laughter, good conversation. Went for Yu Jin's birthday steamboat dinner. Then to my aunt's house where they played mahjong. Reached home around 12am. Started to pack all the stuff to come back to Singapore. Slept at 3:30am.

Sunday morning. Left KL with parents. Managed to move everything to Jia Ling's place around 10:30pm. Tried to do presentation slides for my presentation on Wednesday. Put in headers for all the slides and collapsed around 12:30am.

Today. Wake up at 6:30am. Leave Jia Ling's house at 7am. Get lost, get shoe bitten, get to the grad forum. Drink 3 cups of coffee. Manage to limp home before 6pm so that Jia Ling could leave house and the keys with me.

Now. Now. Now what ah?

No point to this post but don't care lah. Numbness.