Anger Management Mate.

Spent the whole Sunday viewing apartments and waiting for agents to materialize. I mean, does anyone on this island take punctuality seriously? From 12noon today until 8pm, I was out, going through the whole routine of: Reaching the place on time. Wait for agent for at least 15 minutes to about 45 minutes. View house. House not suitable/exceeds our budget. Go to another place. Repeat process, with increasing levels of agitation.

Housemate David had to be my Anger Management Mate for the day and had a taster of what it is like to stay with a caged lioness on caffeine. I had coffee after lunch and it was not a good idea because it gave me a lot of energy which I had to suppress, on top of the pent up frustration within. So he had to tolerate my swearing and clenched fists and growls and murderous stares. At some point he had to ward off my proposal to pick a fight with three burly guys sitting at a food court. I maintain that burly men should not be allowed to sip tea daintily when they should be chugging beer. Especially when angry me is in the vicinity.

I ended up yelling at our agent, justifiably, because I don't think she has our best interests in mind. (To clarify - she is not the agent that screwed us over. But I think her lack of professionalism played a part in our losing the place.) I was mad at her, but more so I was mad at myself for depending on her and being manipulated by her, right under our noses and we couldn't do anything about it.

And then I was angry at Singapore in general, for being over-populated, with five million people squeezed into the area of Lake Kenyir (or Lake Taupo, take your pick) aspiring for a population growth of another one million. This is why it is the owner's market, and we have no bargaining power at all, because if you don't rent this place, someone else will. You either sacrifice your quality of life or fork out whatever they deem fit. Don't even get me started on the real estate agents. They're not interested in your welfare, they're just after the money anyway. Then my anger expanded to include our capitalist and materialistic society, and the monetary system in general. Oh yes I was one very angsty girl today.

So the weekend has passed and I am no closer to having a home than before. I had to miss dragonboating, and I didn't do much work. I spent a lot of time loitering around with Housemate David doing nothing productive because there were a lot of lapses between the viewings.

It is getting increasingly difficult to squat at Jia Ling's because her landlord has voiced out her dissatisfaction. I'll have to revise the plan quite soon if we remain unable to get someplace. I know I said no whining. But at least I'm not out destroying public property or strangling people. Or chewing gum, that would show them.