Why oh why.

Why do people write such long, rambling passages? The point is hidden in there somewhere underneath all the words, the entire field of words filled with potential. Somewhere among the lalangs, there is what I need, there is the missing element that I want, but I can't see it for all the words, damn it!

Academic writing should be simple and straight to the point. Deciphering the ideas and concepts takes up most of my energy without having to wade through verbose and flowery text, it is like going through double the interpreting process. But I have to. My breakthrough might be in here. I need this breakthrough. I need to write this confirmation report and I need to write this fast. Someone save my drowning ass!

In other news, I am replacing my pathetic 10cm thick mattress with something more substantial. Here's to better sleep, less crankiness and no more knocking my ankles on the bed frame. On Saturday it will come! I got it online. Feeling adventurous. And poor. It's 35 bucks cheaper than the other one that I saw at a brick and mortar shop, free delivery too.

Back to complaining about people's writing. In a fit of protest over academic reading I went blog hopping - and I have to say, some of these so-called popular bloggers seriously can't write to save their own lives. Self-glorifying pictures galore, no substance, grammatical and spelling errors all over, where are the emotions? Where is the wit? Where is the person behind the blog, amidst all the advertorials and endorsements?

I seriously need to change my mattress.