How to eat a cheeseburger in 26 seconds

Just back from a cheeseburger eating contest. Hahahahhaa.

OK let's start over. I just came back from giving my friends Tony Twentytwo and Skinny David support, for a cheeseburger eating contest. Whoever that beats the incumbent winning time of 40 seconds in downing a cheeseburger would get a free iPod Shuffle. If you finish a burger within 90 seconds you will get a free Zouk pass.

Tony Twentytwo, in the name of love, bought six burgers and tried eating them quickly yesterday to practise, best time 43 seconds, so that he could win the iPod Shuffle for his girlfriend. And then he roped in his Sociology classmates i.e. me and Skinny David to go for it as well, but since I'm vegetarian I just went to give moral support. Yuen was also invited but she didn't go because she is ANTISOCIAL (wahahaha).

40 seconds to down a burger sounds easy, especially when it's one of those compressible McDonald's ones, which look puny. But apparently it is not as easy as it sounds. If a cheeseburger takes 20 bites to finish (as the strategy appears to be eating small bites, chewing and swallowing quickly - pearl of wisdom from Tony's experience of six burgers), you will still need to swallow every two seconds to make the time.

The record was broken by someone who made 27 seconds. Crazy fella. You get unlimited tries, so Tony had four burgers and his best time was 1 minute and 6 seconds. David had two burgers and broke the record for being the slowest eater of the day, at 3 and a half minutes. I had fun looking at people stuff their faces, and contributed strategies on how to eat a burger efficiently. Apparently one of the biggest problems is that you simply do not generate enough of saliva to help with swallowing, so David and I went into 7-11 to see if there was any sour stuff that we could plant into Tony's mouth so that he could generate enough of saliva to lubricate his throat better. Tony rejected our proposal on moral grounds and the possibility of choking on the sweet. That's why he ended up with three Zouk passes instead of a spanking new iPod Shuffle for his girlfriend.

And that was how I spent my Monday afternoon. Good fun! Now back to work.

p/s. I have moved and I love my new place immensely. For all the anguish I went through this apartment is totally worth it =D