The lunatic is on the grass.

Was at the office by 8am this morning, to beat the morning sun. The location of my new place is a 20 minute walk to my office, which is pretty cool because it means that I don't have to waste time on buses or MRTs, and I shrink my carbon footprint, yeah! All the more to compensate for flights that I take =P

There is also a recycling station directly downstairs, I can see it from my room window nine floors up. So now I have two more trash cans, one for bottles and cans, and one for paper. Takes a bit more effort, because I'll have to take the recyclables down instead of just disposing everything through the rubbish chute in the kitchen that makes trash disappear magically (never ceases to amaze me). But I'm happy about it. It's one of the little things, out of many others, that makes my place so great.

Housemate David has not moved in yet, he'll probably move in this weekend or later. Right now I am staying alone, enjoying the space that I can call my own, finally. On the day that my parents returned to KL, the second day that I moved in, I lay spreadeagle on my mattress, buried in the midst of boxes and bags, and slept. For hours and hours. Woke up, thought about unpacking, and went back to sleep. After all these months, I could finally relax and unwind and... rest. From July I'd been rushing from one event to another, one country to another, one bed to another. I felt like I could sleep forever. And from that day I have been waking up every morning with a smile on my face.

My room is gorgeous. It is bright and airy (windy even, at times), fully unfurnished, meaning that I moved into an entirely bare room. This allows me tremendous creative space. I've planned the whole room out and know exactly how it will look like after I'm done with it. Right now it's a big mess but that will change after I get some storage space. My faithful wall map of Asia (with Europe thrown in) will go up on the wall beside my bed. I'll have a chill out corner, with soft lighting and a rug and lots of cushions. Dark curtains. A small book case half concealed under a table cloth.

And the kitchen! I can finally buy vegetables in bulk because we have a cool new fridge (as opposed to the old broken one with the previous Landlord of Nightmares), have milk, put my eggs in, have fizzy drinks, so on and so forth =D I've been cooking noodles the past two nights just putting together whatever I can think of, coming up with a final concoction of:

charcoal noodles + onion + carrot + tomato + egg + seaweed + milk + vegetable stock. Tastes pretty good actually. I also eat it out of the pot. One less dish to wash =D

I think I will make mushroom soup tonight. Maybe I should experiment infusing rice with a mushroom soup base. Make some sort of risotto-like thing, which in case of failure will just turn into mushroom porridge.

Yup I'm pretty happy =) Oh yeah I am going to donate blood this afternoon. Yes, after two times of rejection (a year ago my veins were too weak, 8 months ago I was sick within 3 weeks before the donation drive) I am going for the third time. I connected the dots and figured out the problem. Twice I went on Fridays, twice I failed! Coincidence? I don't think so. Haha just kidding. Anyway third time's the charm, fingers crossed. Back to work!