The Brag and Misc.

Suddenly remembered that I should brag about cycling about 36kms in the presence of crazy taxis and monstrous trucks from East Coast Park to around Commonwealth and back, from about 10:30pm to 5am. Inclusive of food stops.

I, who have not biked more than 10 times after being taught by KF's little brother (then 12) four years ago (along a busy street with tons of curious onlookers - was not a proud moment for me), and I managed to pull it off without scraping any skin. Bruises however I have aplenty, result of sudden brakes and near misses of pedestrians. What were they doing awake at 2am anyway?

The only person who bled was Skinny David, the best cyclist among the four of us actually, who walked into a drain after the bikes were returned. Hence proven that good cyclists may not necessarily be good walkers.

Research has again met a bottleneck. Other aspects of life range from simple to complicated. I love my sociology lessons. Housemate David has not moved in. In fact I haven't heard from him in a while. Is it healthy to not hear from your housemate for a while, especially when he has not moved in?

The decoration of my room is almost finished. We will be holding a party there next Saturday bersempena Yuen's birthday. The theme is fruits + alcohol (but of course) and Yuen has named it "Toxic Fruit Theme" and there will be board games too which I am going to loan from our Boardgame Society. It will be great. I have not started hosting CSers yet. I thought that I might wait until Housemate David settles in, so that we can get used to each other first. I hope he shows up soon.

Am reading Lady Chatterley's Lover in lieu of academic reading in my room, since the loo is too far away. Here's a good quote for whoever who's been dumped or is looking for his/her other soulmate, who gets bludgeoned on the head by the cliche about all the good fish in the sea:

"There's lots of good fish in the sea... maybe... but the vast masses seem to be mackerel or herring, and if you're not mackerel or herring yourself, you are likely to find very few good fish in the sea." Amen to that, D.H. Lawrence!