Here's the eBay listing title for the RR pick up shown above: "1972 Rolls-Royce PICK UP THE ONLY ROLLS ROYCE PICK UP IN THE WHOLE WORLD".
"In the whole world". Wow.
I would have believed this guy had the RR pick up truck below not been on the same page! The seller of this one says; "Here is a once in a lifetime opportunity to own this extremely beautiful and the only known Rolls Royce Pickup Truck in the United States, possibly world."

Admittedly, they are significantly different. Still, it's amusing.
I have no real desire to own a Rolls Royce. I have nothing against them, but for the money I can think of many, many other cars I'd prefer to own. But, if I somehow become insanely wealthy, a Rolls Royce pick up truck would be cool to own just for the shock value. (Imagine going to Home Depot and asking an employee to help you load the 2x4s you just bought into your pick up. Imagine the look on his face when your pick up turns out not to be an F-150, but a Rolls Royce. Priceless, as they say in the MasterCard commercial.)
If I somehow become insanely wealthy tonight, I'll have my choice of two of the one and only Rolls Royce pick up trucks in the world. Cool.

A big thanks to JaCG reader, Russ, for sending me the links to these cars.