Butterfly #1 brushed its wings against his favourite silk pillow, upon which he laid his lifeless head.
Butterfly #2 made its way around the funeral, drinking in gossip in hushed tones by relatives.
Butterfly #3 observed his wife and children weeping disconsolately as they gathered around his coffin, and his sister nodding off during the ceremony.
Butterfly #4 hovered above his youngest grandson who was fumbling with his shoelaces.
Butterfly #5 circled the prized stamp collection that decked his study, result of a lifelong hobby.
Butterfly #6 unravelled the mystery of the howling ghost - it was his neighbour singing in the bath.
Butterfly #7 followed the only woman he had ever loved while she shopped in the supermarket, blissfully oblivious of his demise.
Butterfly #8 landed on the Sudoku puzzle he had left undone the night before the night.
Butterfly #9 was fascinated by the soft glow of a lamp.
Butterfly #10 crept towards the old suitcase where he hid his life savings as he was suspicious of banking institutions.
Butterfly #11 visited his old foe who teared, surprisingly, when speaking of him.
Butterfly #12 flew tirelessly up a hill to see the last sunset he ever would.