Malaysia Travel Guide
I've been browsing this blog, Malaysia Travel Guide after its owner PK emailed me about it.
Not bad wei. I was rather impressed, seeing that this seems to be a non-profit blog (not an ad anywhere) which "aims to be the best, most user-friendly and most informative and entertaining travel guide website dedicated to the fascinating Malaysia". Site owner PK is an avid traveller himself, having been to like, 19 countries. *turns green*
There are some interesting bits on travelling in Malaysia covered by the MTG, such as "How to bargain and haggle in Malaysia" (I for one have never perfected the skill... always kena con) and other posts on topics which kinda surprised me (in a pleasant way), such as Malaysian music, Malaysian bloggers, best Malaysian bus companies, Commonly Used Words On Malaysia Road Signs, and Tips on driving a car in Malaysia (which is quite true)!
Some room for improvement: the site is obviously still under construction so there are some links which do not work. For example, I would like to see what kind of information would go under the link "Getting married in Malaysia"! Sitemap could be more organized. Hopefully more states will be covered soon.
But all in all, I think this is a great effort to promote tourism in Malaysia. Sokong!
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