Bangsa Malaysia Get-Together:

I've been meaning to put this up forever, but because of [insert lame excuse] I never did, so here it is and it isn't too late and it would be good fun to see the new Blog House and mingle around with interesting people and see the slideshow that we put up for Merdeka and see me grin awkwardly at you when you say hi.

So come.

Time: 8:30pm
Venue: Blog House, at No.66, Lorong Setiabistari 1, Damansara Heights, KL.

(But before that, register first by sending an email to with the following details:
  1. Name ( as per IC ) and IC number
  2. Contact number
  3. A little bit about yourself ( where you’re from, what you do ) [ This might help us identify and decline c-t and SB ]
Throw in a little joke of being an SB. That's how I got in =D)

Mob1900 has a bunch of these in several different colours: Click here to get them!