
Just got back from the Big Bookshop warehouse in Atria. The books are cheap!! Up to like 70% off regular prices. Syok. I spent 30 minutes in there and came out, sans migraine, happy and sunshiney =D

Some books I bought and an idea of the prices:
  • Nick Hornby - A long way down - RM12 (The paperback. The hardcover costs RM19.90)
  • Michael King - The Penguin history of New Zealand - RM29.90
  • Mick Conefrey - A teacup in a storm - RM14.90 (Hardcover)
  • Jennifer Cox - Around the world in 80 Dates - RM12
  • Marian Keyes - Further under the duvet - RM12
  • The Rough Guide to New Zealand - RM39.90

Heard that the warehouse is only till 26th Aug. Better catch it quick =D