A day. Any day.

Bored bored bored!!!

I woke up today and read Five People You Meet In Heaven, by Mitch Albom. It was a birthday present from Jen Hui. Cried a bit, finished it within two hours. Then started to download Zettai Kareshi, a Japanese drama series on how a girl accidentally ordered herself a perfect boyfriend in the form of a robot. The storyline is not as silly as it looks, as it has got one thing right - the perfect boyfriend can only be in the form of a robot. She got to customize the settings, like the level of jealousy he can have, his sex drive, how often he smiles etc. Sounds wicked but a boyfriend as predictable would probably bore me to death, like how I am bored NOW!!!

Pushed myself to blog about Cherating and Kuantan, the last one of my Round Malaysia with Guang Hong and YKent, but I'm not in the right frame of mind to. I know what I want to write but it's been fermenting in the depths of my mind for so long, that I no longer feel like writing it. If I'm bored just thinking about it, it will turn out boring for you my dear readers as well. So, instead I decided to come up with a random post peppered with the word of the day - "Bored", and its variations - "boring", "bore", "boredom", "bleh".


Here's another photo of He Who Declines To Be Named, back by popular demand, in a compromising position.

*Previewing Zettai Kareshi for the umpteenth time - WAAA It moves!!!*

Download at 56.4%.

I'm still trying to come up with a list of things to bring to Singapore for my new room, hopefully with an attached bathroom. I have only been able to think of one single important thing that I cannot do without - and that is the towel to put on the floor outside the bathroom because I hate walking around with wet feet. Clothes and toiletries and all that jazz - boring, essential, those I can put together a day before I leave. I'm fleeing back right after matriculation anyway, on 24th July.

I'm trying to recall the last time I had a good laugh. Hmm. Oh here it is. We were having dinner the other day in a gathering of sorts and Jen Hui was telling us about this radio deejay who almost got beat up by a bunch of Mat Rempits. (No this was not the funny part.) He managed to flee into the petrol station, which attendant hurriedly opened up the doors for him. In his hurry to get out of trouble's way, he even took the rug at the passenger seat along with him (he was cleaning his car at that time). At this moment YJ and I, simultaneously, put both our thumbs and forefingers into pinching positions and did a sideway bouncing motion.

It was uproariously funny because I was picturing the poor deejay bouncing sideways into the imaginary petrol station in tiptoe, holding his poor rug by the fingers, manga-like. And I knew that it was the exact image that YJ had in mind.

Aiya going out for lunch first. Continue when I'm back.

Back. Where were we? Oh yes. God bless BFFs of the same wavelength - where would we be without them?

Annnnd I've lost my mojo for writing. I shall go and paint. I bought a poster colour set the other day and painting is fun. I've painted a window with a guy inside, enjoying red wine and appreciating his chandelier. Having botched the chandelier, I painted over it with bright yellow swirls over a red background. I like the fiery sun effect. I should probably draw sunglasses for my chandelier guy. I haven't decided what to paint next. I should go for painting classes.


The end end end end end. End.