Friday is Blood Donation Day (II)

Today's Friday. The Thirteenth! *thunder*

So like I mentioned in my last post, I went to donate my blood again. I had made an appointment a week ago to secure a slot, and put my passport into my bag yesterday so I wouldn't forget.

Today at 11:25am I went to the Student Activities Centre. Got my goodies (a cool diary and an even cooler badge in the shape of a red blood drop with AB on it) and filled in the forms. After getting rejected the last time for having weak veins, I was nervous that they'd reject me again - and apparently they had my records, so off I was booted to check my veins, before they would register me. My veins were alright, phew! Then I was sent to the medical checkup station. While waiting I leafed through the free diary, and noted that you can't be sick or have a fever within three weeks of your blood donation day.


It was then confirmed by the physician - they couldn't accept my blood because I had been sick, although I am alright now. Of course I couldn't protest because as much as I want to donate my blood to help people in need, I don't want to end up poisoning them because of my sickly blood. But it was so disappointing that this time round I didn't even clear the registration stage. If this trend keeps up, next time I'd be rejected even before trying to register. I returned the cool diary because I didn't feel that I deserved it, but secretly kept the badge. I know, I know. I'm a pathetic pseudo blood donor.

So that's how I ended up in my office drowning my sorrows with Peel Fresh Mango Juice and some Extremely Salty Chips. Nobody wants my blood. People in the office were sympathetic and cautiously kept their faces straight.

To others reading this who are healthy enough to donate blood: Think of those that can't, and do it. Your blood can save lives, and you never know if you would need the favour returned next time (choi choi choi). As for me, I'm going to keep at this until I finally get it right. Me and my AB+ blood shall prevail.