
Hate it when it happens
Whole research is at a standstill
Because of some foundational concepts that I can't get through
Can't get through this can't continue writing
As if I already started writing

Grey grey grey grey apa warna tu kelabu

I'm going for a play tonight
It's in the city which is always a hassle
Probably means that I will go to Fairprice Xtra tonight
Stare at the fruits again and go home
The ants are gone but they might be standing by

wtf mana saya punya breakthrough

Tomorrow I'm trying to donate blood
I hope they don't reject my good AB+ blood again
yeah I know since only other AB people can take it
It's not as good as O blood
But for the sheer novelty of an AB type
They should just take my bloody blood

No energy why still stuck at the concepts saya berkeluh