I have lost all faith in humanity.

Read the previous post first.

So apparently it is another false alarm out of the whole string of false alarms that I have had so far. Ahaha. So it was a test after all. The irony of life hits you on the face like an anvil.

I am still homeless. I am pissed off, in a very fatigued fashion, that I don't even have the energy to be really mad about it. I'm like resigned to the fact that I will still have to stay at Jia Ling's for the time being, I have to tell my parents not to come this weekend, I have to blog and cancel all the sunshiney and cheery feelings that I had in the last post, just because some people are bastards.

What happened was we signed this letter of intent yesterday, agreeing to pay $1400 for the flat, and paid the landlord's agent $1400 as deposit. Apparently he used the letter of intent to show another party who was interested in the flat to raise the price to $1500. So someone else is paying $1500 for the flat, the landlord's happy and the unscrupulous agent gets $50 more in his agent fees, and we are left out in the cold.

I don't think he's going to go as far as not returning our deposit, because we do have a receipt for it. Yuen says that we should report this case to the police somehow. I have not spoken to Housemate David because he's still working at this hour and I don't want to disturb him. And what's funny is that, I trusted this guy. I thought he was being very professional and methodical yesterday when we spent like two hours going through the whole contract and signing thing.

It's not so much about not being able to get the place and not being able to realize all the plans that I was brewing for it. The bike that I was going to get, the stuff that I was going to cook, the housewarming party, the string of lights that I got from Bangkok that I was going to hang up under my room window.

It's realizing the fact that I'm a horrible judge of character and I would probably along the way be mauled by conniving wolves in fluffy sheep skin. I really trusted that guy. Hah.

Well at least I don't have to worry about dust and trucks passing by my window anymore. Cheers to that.