This is not a test, I repeat -

This is not a test.

I've finally got a place! I've paid the deposit! I'm moving this weekend! Me, no longer homeless! Who would've guessed!

So yeah. Me and Housemate David (The reason he's not simply David is because there are too many Davids in my vicinity so I have to start a labelling system.) viewed the house and paid the deposit yesterday. The place is 50 bucks over my budget, but after weighing all factors I decided that it is worth it.

Firstly, it's near NTU. I am reconsidering the buying a bicycle, skinning my knees and terrorizing the pedestrians option. Otherwise it is only a ten-minute bus ride plus a ten-minute walk to my office. Secondly, I'll be able to cook and experiment in the kitchen because I'm only sharing with one male housemate who reportedly (Jia Ling being the reporter) does not cook and hence is in no position to judge my amateur cooking skills. Thirdly, I am anticipating a vibrant social life from now onwards because I'll be able to host CSers and friends over to hang out, in a space that I can call my own.

I'm pretty happy about it. Although the place faces the main road I figure that it is still the best option that I have right now, so I'll try not to worry too much about the dust and noise level. At this point I'm just superbly thankful that my days of living out of a suitcase/boxes are numbered, and I can finally put my life in order and focus on my research. You'd be surprised how the inability to find a pair of socks can have adverse effects on a clear, inquiring mind.

Right now having bright colourful thoughts about furnishing my room. Happiness =)