9th Maya Language and Culture Symposium in Huitan, Chiapas, Mexico

This past August 2009, the Mayan J-Men Senior Healers and Wiseman had their 9th Maya Language and Culture Symposium in Huitan, Chiapas, Mexico and M.H. Jose Tamay participated with Lorenzo Tamay as the Maya Foundation In Laakeech spokemen. Both Mayan leaders are members of the MFIL Board of Trustees, MFIL is a NGO sustainable civil volunteer association dedicated to the welfare of the Mayan Communities near Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico.

M.H.W J-Men Idelfonso Ake celebrated the main sacred Maya ceremonies during the 4 day events, as did M.H. Jose Tamay and other Mayan spiritual leaders of Yucatan, Campeche, Q.Roo, Chiapas, Guatemala, Honduras, and Belize.