Burner Tales Compilation #1

Here's a description of the Burning Man to help you by: *click*
And a funny video of it that features The Simpsons: *click*

I binned the previous endeavour and started anew because that post wasn't going anywhere. Here goes the new one in sections:

#1 - The Carnivorous Wine

Nick, playa name Igneouss, and I

Just by the virtue of hanging out in the Golden Cafe alone and emitting irresistible charms in my salwar-kameez, I was invited by Igneouss to his table and for fine dining in the evening at the Supper Club. There I was served gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches, among other delicacies which I have forgotten, by an award-winning chef. There I was entertained by friendly sparring between the Americans and the Canadians of the old school calibre, gentlemen of average age 55. There I was enthralled by Lucifer who told us the history of the wine that we were drinking, and how they fed lab rats to this rare breed of carnivorous vines that they grew at the edge of the Black Rock Desert.

Brian whom I met later, a ninth-year Burner told me that this was a classic type of jokes that they tell at the Burning Man. I went "allalalalalalala shut up lalalallalalala" but then after googling it when I got home, I am forced to admit that there is no digital evidence of any carnivorous vines online. Therefore it is quite probable that I was had. Bleargh. But the great food and company were real. (Arggh can't believe I fell for that.)

#2 Flavour-tripping berries
I went for a tasting of this miracle berry with Ted and Dave, roommates from New York, the most energetic and chipmunk-like duo that I've met, my buddies in camp. The miracle berry does things to your taste buds and for about half an hour, you are unable to taste sourness.

I had lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and balsamic vinegar like I never had before. The best was the balsamic vinegar, it was so sweet! The cool thing about flavour tripping is that the vinegar still burns your throat a little when it goes down, so you know it's still vinegar, but when it is in your mouth it is deliciously sweet and aromatic.

#3 Carving with the Sun
I was walking along the dust road with Brett the Brit that I had met in the Centre Camp, when we saw this man sitting beside the road concentrating very hard on something. We stopped and observed.

It is one of the coolest art forms that I have seen in a while. This man was using a magnifying glass to burn patterns onto some wooden ladles. I was so intrigued that I stopped and helped.

Picture expertly taken to block the true star of the show and to convey no meaning whatsoever on what I am doing. Check out the hot girls on bikes at the background though.

Up close shot

Apparently it's very good for meditation too. Just remember to wear protection for your eyes.

#4 The Golden Cafe Bar Procession

I went back to the Golden Cafe to gift Igneouss a pewter keychain that I had brought from KL, when they were about to start the march. Somehow I was roped into being one of the shield bearers, and we set off carrying the Golden Calf, mascot of the cafe and collector of kisses from hot ladies. It was a very merry affair, with us marching and yelling and setting up the bar at random camps. Then we offered cocktail shots to anyone within the vicinity, and sneaked shots ourselves, so by the time when the procession ended, all were tipsy and having a whale of a good time.


More still to come. I have to prepare for going to the university now. Oh btw, Jia Ling managed to convince me that the house that I am going to shake on later today, is a bad idea. She is truly the beacon of my life. However I am homeless, yet again. O sigh.