Two consecutive posts! I am on fire!

For those who are concerned about my depression and state of hunger, I have recovered and am now in a happy blogging mood. The mood swing that is my life, and the wonders of mediocre hawker food.

Different aspects of my life have also improved for the better - for instance, I'm going home today, woohoo!! This is totally unplanned, and I'm only going home because Tan Kuan Sheng was selling his bus ticket off, so I thought what the heck and took it. So I'm going to be home for the long Raya weekend =D

Put me and Asa together in a chatroom and we'll be up to no good - we decided yesterday that we will go for a roadtrip to the east coast this weekend, and do some camping along the beach! We are going to find some random nice beach, set up my four season tent, barbecue vegetables and burn marshmallows. It's going to be great.

And with regards to homelessness, I have found two housemates to share a house, so the remaining problem is just to get a place. It is rather cool to be able to rent a whole place and not having to take any shit from existing people who live there. I'm already fantasizing about the freedom that I will be able to have. *stares dreamily into space*

Also, I had the most invigorating discussion with my supervisor yesterday. He knows where I'm coming from, what motivates me and what my research needs - and he's prepared to support me in the mad schemes that I am already starting to devise. He even encourages the mad schemes. Quote from him: "we wouldn't want that to get in the way of your travelling", and I assure you that he meant no sarcasm at all. At some point I was so overwhelmed by his coolness that I blurted out, "you're the coolest supervisor, ever!" and I meant every syllable of it.

So yeah, life has been great, and the emails this morning from Robert and a Singaporean girl that I met in the Burning Man are cherries on top. Hugs to Val whom I miss, to LL whose email I have yet to reply, and to the peeps in KL I AM REACHING TONIGHT, and to all the wonderful people I met in the States and are actually taking the trouble to read my blog - I love and miss all of you.

*hops away in hyper happy mode*