More from The Burning Man

I'm seriously regretting my lax attitude towards taking pictures while travelling nowadays. Maybe this marks the renaissance of my trigger-happy days when I was in New Zealand. Anyhow here's some pictures that I did manage to get of the Burning Man.

By day:

Where ice is sold.

Huge dome for climbing - I only managed to get to the second level and decided that it wouldn't be fun to be stuck up there. So I clambered down again like the loser that I was.

Limerick in a Porta Potty - good loo reading in bad-smelling conditions.

Center Camp - a good place to chill and enjoy performances and be picked up by guys =D Beverages are sold in this camp too, one of the two places that you can use money in Black Rock City. The performer in this picture was exceptionally good. Her voice was just mesmerizing.

By night:
It's not very apparent, but the thing at the background is a spinning carousel. You hold on to a bar, run as fast as you can, and get on the carousel while it's spinning. While getting on is a problem, getting off is worse, because there are always people who join in later on and the carousel never stops spinning! So what you do is just wait till the carousel is at its slowest (which is still pretty fast), grit your teeth, yell like a madman, tumble out, get flung violently at a tangent, and stagger off in a random direction because of the dizziness. Regain composure, wipe sweaty palms and laugh shakily. Rinse and repeat.

This thing will cause major injuries, I tell you. So would the giant slide that I didn't manage to snap a picture of - I raced Ted twice, rolled off at the end and had a slight carpet burn on my arm. Rumour has it that someone actually broke their collarbone while sliding off that thing.

Thing is, you're expected to take care of yourself while out on the playa. It's stated on the ticket that the Burning Man Organization would not be responsible for any injuries or death. Black Rock City is a giant playground for adults, and accidents can happen. There are medical facilities there but they are just makeshift camps in the middle of the desert after all.

Fire instrument. The girl plays the keyboard, and fire spurts out of the corresponding pipes, and the vibrations actually create music. Cool or what.

A pyromaniac's heaven. Fire spurting randomly or in synchronized movements in the distance. The energy is potent when you are standing near the pipes - the heat scorches your face, the light dilates your pupils, and you hear the fire roar. Fire is truly awe-inspiring.

The Man from a distance.

The burning of the man. I especially liked the silhouette of the base. Towards the end of the burning Man, a naked man tried to run into the fire. The Black Rock Rangers had to tackle him. Crazy people out there.

And more to come still.