Direction, direction!

I need a director in my life. Someone who would say, Camera! And I would roll, from 9am to 6pm, to do what I need to do to get ahead in life, and then when he yells Cut! I will shed my act and go home and cook dinner.

I have tons to do, that's no doubt. The problem is just - where to start? I could get stoned on my Social Psych PhD readings - six fat chapters and I'm just eyeing them in trepidation because I know I'd never be able to finish it by Friday, though that's not gonna stop me from trying. A simpler undergrad level bunch of readings for tomorrow's class, which I'll probably be able to finish in a couple of hours. And of course there's my own research sitting there and I have this stuff on social capital that I need to read up, before meeting my supervisors and getting grilled.

Kuching was good, apart from the fact that I was constantly bitten by a variety of bugs and mosquitoes. We did some pretty cool treks and I foresee myself going back to Bako National Park to do some more. Val and Jia Ling got along great though there was a communication gap, but I'm glad they appear to like each other - Jia Ling got her education on German insults and Val got to impart his German insults. All were happy. I may or may not post pictures from Kuching later. I've got a kickass sunset photo.

Oh Val's in Singapore now camping in my living room. He told me not to blog because then we'd be left with nothing to talk about tonight - but I think it's highly impossible because we seem to be able to talk about all kinds of crap, failing which he'll just teach me random words and phrases to say in German. I don't know the spelling but after a week in Kuching I can now ask any German-speaking person if they have hair on their teeth. It's a German proverb, if someone has hair on their teeth, it means that they are very tough. If the answer's no, I can also say in German - harden the fuck up, man! Jia Ling and I can also have a constipated-related conversation in German. Verstopfung ist nicht gut. Ja genau!

It's amazing how we just fell right back into place after a year and a half of not seeing each other. I'm glad =) Anyway, I should start reading now. Later!

Fuck. Realized today's date and it's actually a date that means something and I am suddenly very, very nervous. *swallows* *swallows* *swallows*