Shoes = No Shoes

So I bought my hiking shoes yesterday, from Timberland. Good stuff, waterproof and all, and half off.

This morning I decided to break in the shoes, so I wore them to office. I'm in the office now. The back of my ankle is already blistered, and a piece of skin just fell off. OK I was being dramatic, a piece of skin is still dangling by a thread to the motherskin. I am looking at my ankle in disbelief and I realize that by the time I get up to Mount Santubong you'd probably be able to see the bone.

The good news is, my mum had this problem with her hiking shoes before, and apparently the shoe bite can be easily rectified by buying thicker socks, which I obviously have to. The bad news is, it's 9:36am in the morning and I have a whole day in front of me, including going out tonight, and there's no way I'll be able to wear my shoes the whole day. My wise dad once said that I should never wait till I have blisters to wear thick socks. Actually he said that yesterday. Crazy prophetic skills.

Anyway, I can't wear the shoes. I have class at 11am and I have loads of other errands to run such as getting money from ATM, buying a thumbdrive, paying my phone bill and etc. That's a lot of walking to do. I can't wear the shoes before I get said thick socks. There is only one solution - I'll have to go barefoot today. (And I'm secretly gleeful about that.) I'm actually quite decently dressed up today, because I'm going to Clarke Quay to celebrate Jen Hui's birthday


but I have on long jeans that will hide my shoe-less situation quite well. I'll just have to be extra careful with crazy stilettos out to get me. Hopefully I'll have time to go home before going out, to change into comfortable shoes.

In other news, my Canadian CSer Tony sent me a gift from Canada, it's a book, by Haruki Murakami. I'm happy =) I also had a great time picking out Jen Hui's gift yesterday evening, and I need to send out Kasia's package in time for her to get it before she leaves to Turkey ('coz it'll be too late if I send it after I get back from Kuching). It's the season of giving! And I get to not wear shoes today, yay!