I'm not drunk, I just walk funny.

I'm not blogging, I'm just typing in a text area.

My eyes are heavy but I need to type. I need to talk to someone. I need to talk to someone who would understand what I'm thinking, what I'm saying, what I'm doing. I'm sure there is someone out there. I am interesting. I won't bore you. Can I talk to you?

It is amazing what kind of situations your brain sometimes lead you to. In moments of clarity - or moments of drunkenness, take your extreme pick, it suddenly dawns onto you that it is you who is creating all the mess in your head. The chorus of generalized others, all saying things to you, trying to sway your opinion, trying to tell you what's good for you. Well shut the fuck up my head. Just shut the fuck up.

If you think about it things could be so easy. You could take a plunge. You could take a time machine, from twenty years later, back to the present, when you would actually do stuff that you're deathly afraid of, so that you wouldn't regret it twenty years later. Isn't that the most intriguing idea? To live in the present, by imagining that you are travelling back to the past, from the future? Do you understand what I mean?

I'm not sleepy, I'm just resting my eyes.

//Second morning. I actually fell asleep right after I typed the above line.

Val's not a good influence for me I'm afraid. For most of his stay in Singapore he was down with diarrhoea and upon recovery two days ago we have already got drunk twice. Gone are the days when he would decline alcohol (Marten: If I had a beer on me right now, would you take it? Val: No! - well, not anymore).

We spent the day yesterday in Little India, first having Indian food and then hanging out at Post Museum, which has fast become one of my favourite hangouts in Singapore. It's a vegetarian cafe and the people there are super friendly. It's one of the few places in Singapore, where you can sit down and talk to random people. That you can actually feel that people going to the place are human, not humanoids. They're hosting the Really Really Free Market next weekend (where goods and services are offered for free, bring your stuff to give away if you want) and I'm volunteering there.

So Val and I hung out for like 5 hours there, plotting my Europe route. It is definitely shaping up, just that I need to smoothen things out in uni. Once everything is settled I can buy my tickets and my Epic Trip of The Year would be sorted out. Val drew a map of Europe on the back of some newspapers (which is distributed in the Post Museum, called "Good Paper" and it only reports good news. Sweet as.), and we started fantasizing about the things that I'll be doing there.

Day trip from Hamburg to Sylt, one of Val's favourite places in Germany. Going to the Isle of Arran, that a drunken Scottish teacher in a pub in New Zealand had repeatedly mentioned that I have to. (Remember the Isle of Arrrran!!) Hiking in Switzerland. Meeting Silver in Estonia and checking out the Viljandi Folk Music Festival. Taking a train from Rome to Switzerland along a scenic route. Taking the train that goes under the sea from Paris to London. Hanging out with Marten in Gothenburg, and Robert in either Holland or Ireland, depending on where he'll be. Prague, Krakow, Riga. And then some.

Not in that order. And we have no idea if our route is feasible, budget-wise. But still -

*grins in an idiotic fashion*

Well, the floor is open to any of you who want to recommend a must-see place anywhere in Europe, anywhere you like, from the touristy to the obscure. I enjoy culture and nature so this trip will probably be a combination of both.

I'm going to take a nap now and wake up at 10am, our stipulated weekend wake up time, upon which we'll agree on some random activity and end up whiling our time away in a cafe and drinking beer on some padang. Star-gazing on top of the ADM building at night optional.