The Nordic-Baltic Concert Season is organised jointly by eight countries – Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
The aim of the Nordic-Baltic Concert Season is to introduce the contemporary music and musicians of the participating countries to a wider audience at home and abroad, via the medium of radio.
The 2010-2011 season, which is the 16th, will feature the music of legendary classics, such as Sibelius and Leifs, alongside the premiers of recent works by several young composers: Jon Øyvind Ness (Norway), Mirjam Tally (Estonia), Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmbreen (Denmark), and Uljas Pulkkis (Finland). One more name will be added to this list in due time – the name of the winner of the Latvian National Orchestra’s composition contest.
As always, the Nordic-Baltic Concert Season presents the national orchestras and leading performers of the participating countries. The concerts are conducted by Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Thomas Dausgaard, Juha Kangas, Osmo Vänska et al. Among the featured soloists one will hear young talents and well-established artists alike: trumpet player Tine Ting Helseth, the pianists Peter Friis-Johansson, Vestars Shimkus, Elisso Bolkvadze, Kari Kriikku and Kalle Randalu, and the percussion ensemble Kroumata.
In addition to the Nordic-Baltic Concert Season, the eight countries collaborate on a number of other projects: a separate series of summer concerts, a special project devoted to the music of female composers, the jazz and choir music series, the annual meetings of music program directors and the workshops for radio presenters.
Full Program of Nordic-Baltic Concert Season 2010-2011: