Plain Jane 1986 Audi 5000S

This car isn't special for what it is, it's special for what it's not. It's not a turbo and not a quattro. Thankfully, it's also not an automatic.

It's pretty amazing that a car like this is still around. After the whole false "unintended acceleration" thing back in 1986, used Audis became worthless. A few smart people bought quattros and turbos and hung on to them, but a car like this was bought cheap, used up and then junked.

These are hardly exciting cars. They're slow, with 60 MPH coming in 11.5 seconds, and their handling is like any other 1980s front wheel drive car; safe, but hardly sporty. They do have some pluses, though. Audi has always been one of the best when it comes to interior design. The dashboard is well laid out and the seats are extremely comfortable. It also gets great gas mileage for a big car.

I think this car is going to be a tough sell. It's true mileage is unknown and it needs a little work. It might make a nice commuter car for someone, but an entertaining collectible it is not.

If you like the looks of the 5000 wagon (and I do) and want a decent, comfortable car that gets very good gas mileage for its size, this car is worth looking into. Me? I'd hold out for a turbo quattro.

Located in Granger, IN, click here to see the eBay listing.

A big thanks to John for sending me the link to this car.